[Materia Condensada] Aviso de beca doctoral en Belfast

Eitel Peltzer Y Blanca eitelpyb en ing.unlp.edu.ar
Dom Mar 18 20:25:33 -03 2018


el Dr, Jorge Kohanoff me ha hecho llegar este aviso, lo retransmito  
como me solicito.

Eitel Peltzer


PhD position @ Atomistic Simulation Centre, Queen's University Belfast

We are pleased to announce a PhD studentship at the Atomistic  
Simulation Centre, School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen's  
University Belfast, under the Horizon2020 Marie Sk?odowska-Curie  
doctoral training programme SPaRK. The application deadline is 11th  
April 2018. For eligibility criteria, application guidelines and  
further details please see


The project is concerned with the theoretical description of  
electron-phonon and electron-electron interactions, and the interplay  
between them, in nanoscale systems. Further information about the  
project is given under Projects for October 2018 entry at the above  
website; please see


For further queries please contact Myrta Gruening (m.gruening en qub.ac.uk).

Myrta Gruening and Tchavdar Todorov


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