[Materia Condensada] CHARLA HELENA M. PETRILLI 3-12-2014 10hs.

eitelpyb en ing.unlp.edu.ar eitelpyb en ing.unlp.edu.ar
Jue Nov 27 16:43:12 ART 2014


les envío el anuncio de la próxima charla de la Red COMPUMAT en forma  
conjunta con el Instituto de Física La Plata (IFLP). La disertante va  
a ser la Dra. Helena M. Petrilli, y la charla será el día 3 de  
diciembre a las 10 hs. en la sala de Videoconferencias de la Facultad  
de Ingeniería de la UNLP. Estamos intentando que pueda ser difundida  
por medio de la RIU, el lunes les enviaremos la coordenadas para que  
se comuniquen y puedan ver la charla vía la web, espero que nos  
podamos encontrar allí.
Cordiales saludos

Eitel Peltzer


"Cd Hyperfine Interactions in DNA Bases and DNA of Mouse Strains
Infected with Trypanosoma cruzi Investigated by Perturbed Angular
Correlation Spectroscopy and ab Initio Calculations."

Philippe A. D. Petersen,† Andreia S. Silva,‡ Marcos B. Gonçalves,†  
André L. Lapolli,‡ Ana Maria C. Ferreira,§ Artur W. Carbonari,‡ and  
Helena M. Petrilli*,†

†Departamento de Física de Materiais e Mecânica, Instituto de Física,  
Universidade de São Paulo, CEP 05508-090 São Paulo, SP, Brazil
‡Laboratório de Interações Hiperfinas, Instituto de Pesquisas  
Energéticas e Nucleares, IPEN-CNEN/SP, 05508-000 São Paulo, SP, Brazil
§Departamento de Química Fundamental, Instituto de Química,  
Universidade de São Paulo, CEP 05508-000 São Paulo, SP, Brazil


In this work, perturbed angular correlation (PAC) spectroscopy is used to
study differences in the nuclear quadrupole interactions of Cd probes  
in DNA molecules of mice infected with the Y-strain of Trypanosoma  
cruzi. The possibility of investigating the local genetic alterations  
in DNA, which occur along generations of mice infected with T. cruzi,  
using hyperfine interactions obtained from PAC measurements and  
density functional theory (DFT) calculations in DNA bases is  
discussed. A comparison of DFT calculations with PAC measurements  
could determine the type of Cd coordination in the studied molecules.  
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to use DFT
calculations and PAC measurements to investigate the local environment  
of Cd ions bound to DNA bases in mice infected with Chagas disease.  
The obtained results also allowed the detection of local changes  
occurring in the DNA molecules of different generations of mice  
infected with T. cruzi, opening the possibility of using this  
technique as a complementary tool in the characterization of  
complicated biological systems.

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